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American Association of School Executives ($485)

COSA Aspiring Dues

Applies to persons holding administrative credentials but employed in non-administrative positions in elementary/secondary schools, or graduate students working toward their administrative credentials. ($75)

COSA Associate+OACOA Associate Dues

(Oregon Association of Central Office Administrators) Applies to persons who are college administrators; State Department of Education personnel; private school administrators; individuals who hold credentials in school administration but who are actively employed outside the field including members "on leave"; and school administrators who live out of state. ($160)

COSA Associate+OASE Associate Dues

(Oregon Association of School Executives) Applies to "Associate" members only. Applies to persons who are college administrators; State Department of Education personnel; private school administrators; individuals who hold credentials in school administration but who are actively employed outside the field including members "on leave"; and school administrators who live out of state. ($160)

COSA Associate+OASSA Associate Dues

(Oregon Association of Secondary School Administrators) Applies to persons who are college administrators; State Department of Education personnel; private school administrators; individuals who hold credentials in school administration but who are actively employed outside the field including members "on leave"; and school administrators who live out of state. ($160)

COSA Associate+OESPA Associate Dues

(Oregon Elementary School Principals Association) Applies to persons who are college administrators; State Department of Education personnel; private school administrators; individuals who hold credentials in school administration but who are actively employed outside the field including members "on leave"; and school administrators who live out of state. ($160)

COSA Retiree Dues

COSA Retiree Dues ($75)

COSA+OACOA Actvie Dues

(Oregon Association of Central Office Administrators) Applies to "Active" members only. applies to persons who are employed in administrative positions in K-12 educational programs and have been excluded from the local bargaining unit. ($695)

COSA+OASE Active Dues

(Oregon Association of School Executives) Applies to superintendents and assistant/deputy superintendents. It includes membership in COSA and the Oregon Association of School Executives (OASE), COSA’s superintendent association. ($845)


(Oregon Association of School Executives) + (American Association of School Administrators) Applies to superintendents and assistant/deputy superintendents. It includes membership in COSA and the Oregon Association of School Executives (OASE), COSA’s superintendent association, plus membership in the national superintendent association, AASA. ($1,330)

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